Transporte de Personal

Servicio de transporte de personal para empresas, transporte ejecutivo y transporte para turismo.

Autobuses de 39 a 45 pasajeros

Camionetas de 13 a 20 pasajeros

Feature #1

AL Transporte de personal

En A.L., estamos comprometidos con la seguridad, los valores y la puntualidad.

Somos una empresa orgullosamente queretana que ofrece el servicio de transporte empresarial en donde la calidad, comodidad y bienestar, son nuestro principal propósito.

Estamos debidamente acreditados con todos los requisitos y documentación legal para la prestación de cualquier tipo de transporte, así como personal altamente capacitado para ofrecer un servicio excepcional.

¿Por qué somos tu mejor opción?

En A.L . estamos comprometidos con nuestros clientes, por eso te ofrecemos…


Dentro del mercado actual, la estrella es la que marca la diferencia, garantiza ventajas decisivas y la seguridad de haber puesto el futuro de su negocio en las mejores manos.

Ningún otro fabricante del mundo ha querido asumir la responsabilidad por el concepto de autobús y chasis como lo ha hecho Mercedes-Benz.


Engine model
Excavator cat 966H

Cat® C11 ACERT™


Camionetas de 13 a 20 pasajeros

Tenemos a su servicio unidades NISSAN y Mercedes Benz modelo 2018 en adelante, dando a nuestros usuarios seguridad y comodidad en cada viaje.

Autobuses de 39 a 45 pasajeros

Nuestros Servicios

Autobuses Mercedes-Benz

Dentro del mercado actual, la estrella es la que marca la diferencia, garantiza ventajas decisivas y la seguridad de haber puesto el futuro de su negocio en las mejores manos.

Personal Capacitado

If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.
If you have any questions before or during work with our equipment, you can always use our support services that are available around the clock. Contact us and our team can provide with extra services.
Engineering support 24/7
The large specific equipment is available for rent
Pre-made plan for digging
Please do not hesitate and contact us as fast as possible and we provide you with any support for your machines.

Licencia de conducir Federal.

Licencia de conducir tipo “CO“.

Tarjetón de identificación del operador.

Presencia e imagen.

Exámenes generales de salud y antidoping.

Conocimiento en mecánica básica.

Conocimiento en reingeniería de ruta con la finalidad de
dar eficiencia en el recorrido en tiempo y forma.

Cubrebocas y careta.

TIO (Tarjetón De Identificación Oficial).

Cursos impartidos por SCT, ITQ , ICATEQ


Pitencia: 205 hp @ 2,200 rpm
Torque: 575 lb-ft @ 1,200 rpm-1,600 rpm.
Compresor: 352 cm³ / 15.5 CFM
Frenos: En múltiple de escape y de válvulas a la cabeza del motor
controlado por interruptor en tablero.


Lunes – Viernes: 9am – 6pm
Sábado: 9am – 2pm

Ventajas Competitivas

* Para tu seguridad , contamos sistema de Creación de usuario y contraseña en plataforma GPS , para monitoreo en cada traslado en tiempo real

* Asientos reclinables y cinturón de seguridad.

* Aire acondicionado.
* Desinfección constante certificada.

AL Transporte